E15 – Productive Rotterdam 08/12/2022
The Europan15 NL publication is available now!
It’s the continuing story of the Europan 15 NL competition in Rotterdam that kicked off in 2019. The housing crisis, the climate crisis and the increasing unaffordability of urban centres were on the agendas of all major European cities. The competition’s theme, the Productive City, sought to address these problems.
After a 2 year’s period of Covid 19 pandemic this publication presents a story that is both catalogue of the projects as they were when they were submitted in 2019, and a reflection on the continuing process in Rotterdam. We noticed that during the pandemic cities were suddenly used in a fundamentally different way, but among the entries for Europan15 proved remarkably timely for their agile and human-oriented approach. All insights have been collected in this publication which reads as a guideline for a new holistic way of making city.
More information on the winners, runners-up & special mentions via www.e15rotterdam.nl
Partners: AIR, Architectuur Instituut Rotterdam, Gemeente Rotterdam, AM Gebiedsontwikkeling, Dudok Real Estate, Heijmans, BPD Gebiedsontwikkeling, Woonstad Rotterdam
Publication: graphic design Loes Sikkes visualcommunication | editors Martine Zoeteman, Jessica Cullen, Marieke Berkers | photography Frank Hanswijk | event photgraphy Fred Ernst | inside cover Kunstenvliegwerkluchtfoto | printed by Veenman+
The publication is available for free via the naibooksellers shop at Het Nieuwe Instituut, drop by or order your copy!