Hybrid City

[embeddoc url=”http://www.europan.nl/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Sluisbuurt-XH246.pdf” width=100% height=600px viewer=”google” ]
Jury comments
e idea of locating workspaces in the towers and creating diagonal sectional relations between buildings by using these spaces is interesting. The stacking of living and working in the towers creates new relations between the lower levels and the upper levels. The project lacks plans and sections to show in detail how spatial and functional elements are organized. The connection with the water is interesting as well as the attempt to establish a ‘heart’ in the neighborhood. On the other hand, the plan has a lot of commercial spaces and atriums and the diagonal relations appear to be only visual, not functional. The project does not really address issues raised by the competition theme.
Project Team
Contact information
Schiekade 189, 3013 BR, Rotterdam, NL